Cryotherapy improves the general condition of the skin by increasing its oxygen and nutrient supply, tightening the skin and preventing wrinkles and problem areas such as a double chin. Puffiness above and below the eyes is reduced. The dreaded skin sag is now a thing of the past. The intense cold activates collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin, leaving it firm and tight causing a healthy glow. A series of treatments result in a long lasting return of more youthful, rejuvenated skin. These multiple sessions result in increased collagen and elastin.
Our Cryo slimming targeted body session is a 30-60 minute non-invasive and pain free experience. The process of this fat eliminating service tightens skin, smooths away cellulite, increases collagen & elastin while removing fat cells from different areas of the body. Target areas include: arms, back, abdomen, “love handles,” buttocks, thighs, hips, knees & calves. There must be 2 weeks between slimming treatments and 1 week between cellulite treatments.
face + neck
face + neck + decloette
Double Chin Reduction
1 Treatment
1 Treatment
5 Treatments
10 Treatments
A trusted and sought after Esthetician and Skin Expert with over two decades of experience. Marcina’s innovative yet natural approach to skin care was inspired from training with esteemed French anti-aging experts and time honored European principles.